3 Ways to Style Your Spring Wall Art

3 Ways to Style Your Spring Wall Art

Spring is the perfect time to hit refresh in your home, and what better place to start than with wall art?! Decorating your walls with art is one of the most effective ways to inject personality and style into your living space. Whether you're aiming to create a cozy ambiance in the bedroom, make a bold statement in the living room, or add some visual interest to a hallway or entryway, there are countless ways to style wall art to suit your taste and space.

Above a Bed: Snooze-Worthy Style

Ever wish your bedroom looked as dreamy as those Pinterest boards? Well, it's time to make your dreams a reality by elevating that space above your bed. When styling wall art over a bed, consider the size and scale of both the artwork and the bed itself. A general rule of thumb is to choose a piece that is roughly two-thirds the width of the headboard or bed frame. This helps create a balanced and visually pleasing composition.

(Pictured: Cotton Fields)

Opt for calming and soothing artwork in the bedroom, such as abstract paintings, nature-inspired prints, or serene landscapes. Consider the color palette of your bedding and decor when selecting art to ensure cohesiveness within the space. To add depth and dimension, consider layering artwork with wall-mounted sconces or framed mirrors on either side of the bed.

Joyfully Said’s Top Over a Bed Picks: Cotton Fields, Morning Mercies, Wandering Trails

As a Statement Piece: Wall Art, Hold My Coffee

In living rooms, dining rooms, or home offices, wall art can serve as a captivating focal point and conversation starter. When styling wall art as a statement piece, think bold and eye-catching. Choose a large-scale artwork or a series of smaller pieces arranged together to create a striking focal point. This piece will likely set the tone for the entire room, so choose wisely!

(Pictured: From the Garden)

Consider selecting artwork that reflects your personal style and interests, whether it's a vibrant abstract painting, a dramatic photograph, a fun or meaningful word sentiment, or a graphic print. 

(Pictured: Garden Harvest)

Joyfully Said’s Top Statement Piece Picks: Garden Harvest, In Full Bloom, LIY x Joyfully Said, Salt & Light Abstract, Forest View 1, I Know Who Holds Tomorrow

As a Shelf Sitter: Let in the Layers

Shelves provide a versatile canvas for showcasing wall art in unexpected ways. Whether you have built-in shelves, floating shelves, or decorative ledges, styling wall art as a shelf sitter adds dimension and visual interest to any room.

(Pictured: A Calming Place)

When styling wall art on shelves, mix and match different-sized pieces and layer them with other decorative objects such as vases, sculptures, or books. This creates a curated and cohesive look while allowing you to showcase your personal style and interests.

(Pictured: Lamb)

Consider incorporating a mix of framed artwork, canvas prints, and other wall decor to add variety and texture to the shelves. Experiment with asymmetrical arrangements and negative space to create a visually dynamic display that draws the eye.

Joyfully Said’s Top Shelf Sitters: Lamb, Orange Plant, A Calming Place, Edge of the Woods, Stand Tall, Amber Waves

So there you have it – three ways to make your walls as interesting as your personality. Whether you're aiming for elegance, making a statement, or just want an excuse to show off your collection of eclectic art, wall art is your ticket to a space that's uniquely you. Go forth and decorate, friend – your home is your canvas, and above all, should bring you joy!

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